Wolke 7
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 13137
Registriert: So, 7. Apr 2002, 14:34
Wohnort: Ettlingen

Re: Podcasts

Sa, 1. Apr 2023, 08:15

The Pod und Spielvertiefung haben vor ein paar Tagen ein gemeinsames Format über die Geschichte der Rollenspiele gestartet.

Bei The Pod / Insert Moin / Game Not Over gibt es eine freie Folge zum Stand der Spielepodcasts: ... -not-over/

The Pod: 4.318 -> 4.442 -> 4.579 -> 4.660 -> 4.752 -> 4.807 -> 5.005 -> 5.041 -> 5.121 -> 5.148 -> 5.178 -> 5.214 -> 5.255 -> 5.358 -> 5.456 -> 5.468 -> 5.541 -> 5.579 -> 5.582 -> 5.622 -> 5.612 -> 5.622 -> 5.675 -> 5.669 -> 5.682 -> 5.650 -> 5.655 -> 5.601 -> 5.619 -> 5.620 -> 5.608 -> 5.614 -> 5.646 -> 5.715 -> 5.745 -> 5.777 -> 5.769 -> 5.847 -> 5.870 -> 5.904 -> 5.973 -> 5.960 -> 5.946 -> 6.146 -> 6.203 -> 6.186 -> 6.286 -> 6.405 -> 6.443 -> 6.610 -> 6.587 -> 6.555 -> 6.615 -> 6.657 -> 6.677 -> 6.658 -> 6.732 -> 6.730 -> 6.980 -> 7.108 -> 7.213 -> 7.234

Stay Forever: 1.822 -> 1.821 -> 1.978 -> 2.024 -> 2.082 -> 2.090 -> 2.127 -> 2.122 -> 2.165 -> 2.261 -> 2.291 -> 2.309 -> 2.321 -> 2.378 -> 2.486 -> 2.517 -> 2.570 -> 2.576 -> 2.602 -> 2.622 -> 2.662 -> 2.688 -> 2.697 -> 2.702 -> 2.717 -> 2.828 -> 3.033 -> 3.075 -> 3.082 -> 3.165 -> 3.230 -> 3.255 -> 3.344 -> 3.473 -> 3.564 -> 3.581 -> 3.591 -> 3.679 -> 3.860 -> 3.915 -> 3.934 -> 3.945 -> 4.039 -> 4.177 -> 4.229 -> 4.372 -> 4.429 -> 4.534 -> 4.549 -> 4.592 -> 4.721 -> 4.780 -> 4.817 -> 4.888 -> 4.968 -> 5.094 -> 5.156 -> 5.192 -> 5.324 -> 5.404 -> 5.424 -> 5.521

Hooked: 1.186 -> 1.299 -> 1.323 -> 1.307 -> 1.304 -> 1.310 -> 1.305 -> 1.293 -> 1.289 -> 1.250 -> 1.272 -> 1.255 -> 1.235 -> 1.253 -> 1.248 -> 1.235 -> 1.235 -> 1.200 -> 1.173 -> 1.164 -> 1.165 -> 1.180 -> 1.187 -> 1.164 -> 1.150 -> 1.160 -> 1.173 -> 1.154 -> 1.152 -> 1.165 -> 1.169 -> 1.151 -> 1.155 -> 1.143 -> 1.117 -> 1.260 -> 1.211 -> 1.199 -> 1.241 -> 1.216 -> 1.213 -> 1.193 -> 1.196 -> 1.208 -> 1.165 -> 1.145 -> 1.135 -> 1.134 -> 1.154 -> 1.182 -> 1.153 -> 1.172 -> 1.150 -> 1.155 > 1.170 -> 1.188 -> 1.160 -> 1.150 -> 1.203 -> 1.175 -> 1.180 -> 1.166

Spieleveteranen: 0.584 -> 0.585 -> 0.583 -> 0.591 -> 0.601 -> 0.614 -> 0.637 -> 0.649 -> 0.654 -> 0.652 -> 0.658 -> 0.651 -> 0.668 -> 0.678 -> 0.699 -> 0.721 -> 0.731 -> 0.736 -> 0.738 -> 0.732 -> 0.745 -> 0.748 -> 0.756 -> 0.767 -> 0.771 -> 0.768 -> 0.764 -> 0.755 -> 0.747 -> 0.762 -> 0.773 -> 0.790 -> 0.795 -> 0.805 -> 0.813 -> 0.816 -> 0.821 -> 0.827 -> 0.822 -> 0.821 -> 0.830 -> 0.831 -> 0.822 -> 0.843 -> 0.835 -> 0.838 -> 0.836 -> 0.845 -> 0.841 -> 0.860 -> 0.877 -> 0.874 -> 0.876 -> 0.881 -> 0.883 -> 0.890 -> 0.899 -> 0.898 -> 0.904 -> 0.905 -> 0.887 -> 0.884

Spielvertiefung: 0.673 -> 0.771 -> 0.775 -> 0.884 -> 0.928 -> 0.911 -> 0.923 -> 0.913 -> 0.906 -> 0.903 -> 0.897 -> 0.911 -> 0.799 -> 0.805 -> 0.812 -> 0.805 -> 0.802

OK COOL: 0.081 -> 0.112 -> 0.137 -> 0.195 -> 0.229 -> 0.234 -> 0.265 -> 0.287 -> 0.296 -> 0.321 -> 0.341 -> 0.347 -> 0.368 -> 0.393 -> 0.408 -> 0.423 -> 0.501 -> 0.505 -> 0.518 -> 0.543 -> 0.575 -> 0.588 -> 0.592 -> 0.583 -> 0.595 -> 0.622 -> 0.655 -> 0.661 -> 0.673

Insert Moin: 0.870 -> 0.871 -> 0.921 -> 0.940 -> 0.949 -> 0.963 -> 0.936 -> 0.927 -> 0.935 -> 0.902 -> 0.879 -> 0.867 -> 0.851 -> 0.831 -> 0.842 -> 0.831 -> 0.840 -> 0.808 -> 0.793 -> 0.787 -> 0.775 -> 0.762 -> 0.764 -> 0.743 -> 0.722 -> 0.725 -> 0.707 -> 0.720 -> 0.714 -> 0.717 -> 0.709 -> 0.721 -> 0.709 -> 0.700 -> 0.694 -> 0.695 -> 0.690 -> 0.688 -> 0.714 -> 0.704 -> 0.691 -> 0.695 -> 0.709 -> 0.676 -> 0.682 -> 0.675 -> 0.667 -> 0.668 -> 0.659 -> 0.660 -> 0.652 -> 0.650 -> 0.638 -> 0.625 -> 0.606 -> 0.608 -> 0.598 -> 0.587 -> 0.582 -> 0.584 -> 0.624 -> 0.639

Kapitel Eins: 0.133 -> 0.184 -> 0.209 -> 0.226 -> 0.245 -> 0.267 -> 0.266 -> 0.269 -> 0.289 -> 0.290 -> 0.287 -> 0.297 -> 0.287 -> 0.287 -> 0.293 -> 0.294 -> 0.296 -> 0.302 -> 0.304 -> 0.304 -> 0.310 -> 0.311 -> 0.306 -> 0.310 -> 0.316 -> 0.319 -> 0.310

Game Not Over: 0.023 -> 0.026 -> 0.034 -> 0.042 -> 0.044 -> 0.049 -> 0.051 -> 0.053 -> 0.062 -> 0.066 -> 0.070 -> 0.125 -> 0.215 -> 0.233 -> 0.249 -> 0.262 -> 0.279 -> 0.288 -> 0.299 -> 0.304 -> 0.294 -> 0.294 -> 0.293 -> 0.298 -> 0.299 -> 0.299 -> 0.306

Games Insider: 0.017 -> 0.021 -> 0.031 -> 0.039 -> 0.041 -> 0.046 -> 0.058 -> 0.063 -> 0.069 -> 0.084 -> 0.092 -> 0.095 -> 0.103 -> 0.112 -> 0.120 -> 0.133 -> 0.113 -> 0.105 -> 0.103 -> 0.096 -> 0.093 -> 0.096 -> 0.094 -> 0.091 -> 0.051 -> 0.048 -> 0.044 -> 0.043
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 14157
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Re: Podcasts

So, 2. Apr 2023, 11:55

Cloud hat geschrieben:
Bei The Pod / Insert Moin / Game Not Over gibt es eine freie Folge zum Stand der Spielepodcasts: ... -not-over/

Danke, da höre ich mal rein. Wenn ich die über 2 Stunden irgendwo unterkriege.
Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 14157
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Re: Podcasts

Mo, 10. Apr 2023, 21:24

Heinrich Lenhardt hat noch einen neuen Podcast gestartet, zusammen mit Filmexperte Christian Genzel, der auch schon mehrmals bei den Spieleveteranen zu Gast war.
Pixelkino soll "eine Schnittstelle" zwischen Spiel und Film sein. Es geht um Filme und die dazugehörigen Spiele (Folge 1: Predator) oder um Spiele und ihre Verfilmungen (Folge 2: Super Mario Bros). Wieder gilt : Ich habe eigentlich keine Zeit, aber ich versuche mal, reinzuhören...
Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
Wolke 7
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 13137
Registriert: So, 7. Apr 2002, 14:34
Wohnort: Ettlingen

Re: Podcasts

Fr, 14. Apr 2023, 13:51

Zumindest die Predator-Folge werde ich mir mal anhören, die zweite interessiert mich eh nicht. Ich befürchte nur, dass sich das thematisch zu sehr mit dem Filmpodcast überschneiden wird und dessen Besetzung dürfte da kaum zu toppen sein.

Die Wasted-Community hat nach dessen Ende innerhalb kürzester Zeit ein eigenes Projekt auf die Beine gestellt mit Podcasts und Artikeln. Auch wenn mich das selbst nicht interessiert, finde ich es schon bemerkenswert wie engagiert die Leute dort sind:
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 14157
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Re: Podcasts

So, 16. Apr 2023, 16:26

Klar, die Überscheidung mit dem Filmpodcast sehe ich auch, außerdem befürchte ich, dass das mal wieder sehr auf die Retroschiene gehen wird. Aber reingehört wird sicherlich mal testweise. Immerhin habe ich jetzt die Happy Computer Hour mit Rolf Boyke geschafft. Sehr witziges Gespräch.
Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 14157
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Re: Podcasts

So, 30. Apr 2023, 00:16

Dom Schott war beim Freitags-Podcast von GamersGlobal zu Gast (Premium-exklusiv): ... dom-schott

Da erzählt er von seinem Projekt "OK Cool auf die Hand", ein kleines Printheft über Spieleentwicklung in der Ukraine. Wird es aber vorerst wohl nur für die Backer seines Podcasts geben. Eigentlich schade, ich hätte es gerne direkt gekauft.
Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
Wolke 7
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 13137
Registriert: So, 7. Apr 2002, 14:34
Wohnort: Ettlingen

Re: Podcasts

Mo, 1. Mai 2023, 10:04

The Pod: 4.318 -> 4.442 -> 4.579 -> 4.660 -> 4.752 -> 4.807 -> 5.005 -> 5.041 -> 5.121 -> 5.148 -> 5.178 -> 5.214 -> 5.255 -> 5.358 -> 5.456 -> 5.468 -> 5.541 -> 5.579 -> 5.582 -> 5.622 -> 5.612 -> 5.622 -> 5.675 -> 5.669 -> 5.682 -> 5.650 -> 5.655 -> 5.601 -> 5.619 -> 5.620 -> 5.608 -> 5.614 -> 5.646 -> 5.715 -> 5.745 -> 5.777 -> 5.769 -> 5.847 -> 5.870 -> 5.904 -> 5.973 -> 5.960 -> 5.946 -> 6.146 -> 6.203 -> 6.186 -> 6.286 -> 6.405 -> 6.443 -> 6.610 -> 6.587 -> 6.555 -> 6.615 -> 6.657 -> 6.677 -> 6.658 -> 6.732 -> 6.730 -> 6.980 -> 7.108 -> 7.213 -> 7.234 -> 7.206

Stay Forever: 1.822 -> 1.821 -> 1.978 -> 2.024 -> 2.082 -> 2.090 -> 2.127 -> 2.122 -> 2.165 -> 2.261 -> 2.291 -> 2.309 -> 2.321 -> 2.378 -> 2.486 -> 2.517 -> 2.570 -> 2.576 -> 2.602 -> 2.622 -> 2.662 -> 2.688 -> 2.697 -> 2.702 -> 2.717 -> 2.828 -> 3.033 -> 3.075 -> 3.082 -> 3.165 -> 3.230 -> 3.255 -> 3.344 -> 3.473 -> 3.564 -> 3.581 -> 3.591 -> 3.679 -> 3.860 -> 3.915 -> 3.934 -> 3.945 -> 4.039 -> 4.177 -> 4.229 -> 4.372 -> 4.429 -> 4.534 -> 4.549 -> 4.592 -> 4.721 -> 4.780 -> 4.817 -> 4.888 -> 4.968 -> 5.094 -> 5.156 -> 5.192 -> 5.324 -> 5.404 -> 5.424 -> 5.521 -> 5.704

Hooked: 1.186 -> 1.299 -> 1.323 -> 1.307 -> 1.304 -> 1.310 -> 1.305 -> 1.293 -> 1.289 -> 1.250 -> 1.272 -> 1.255 -> 1.235 -> 1.253 -> 1.248 -> 1.235 -> 1.235 -> 1.200 -> 1.173 -> 1.164 -> 1.165 -> 1.180 -> 1.187 -> 1.164 -> 1.150 -> 1.160 -> 1.173 -> 1.154 -> 1.152 -> 1.165 -> 1.169 -> 1.151 -> 1.155 -> 1.143 -> 1.117 -> 1.260 -> 1.211 -> 1.199 -> 1.241 -> 1.216 -> 1.213 -> 1.193 -> 1.196 -> 1.208 -> 1.165 -> 1.145 -> 1.135 -> 1.134 -> 1.154 -> 1.182 -> 1.153 -> 1.172 -> 1.150 -> 1.155 > 1.170 -> 1.188 -> 1.160 -> 1.150 -> 1.203 -> 1.175 -> 1.180 -> 1.166 -> 1.150

Spieleveteranen: 0.584 -> 0.585 -> 0.583 -> 0.591 -> 0.601 -> 0.614 -> 0.637 -> 0.649 -> 0.654 -> 0.652 -> 0.658 -> 0.651 -> 0.668 -> 0.678 -> 0.699 -> 0.721 -> 0.731 -> 0.736 -> 0.738 -> 0.732 -> 0.745 -> 0.748 -> 0.756 -> 0.767 -> 0.771 -> 0.768 -> 0.764 -> 0.755 -> 0.747 -> 0.762 -> 0.773 -> 0.790 -> 0.795 -> 0.805 -> 0.813 -> 0.816 -> 0.821 -> 0.827 -> 0.822 -> 0.821 -> 0.830 -> 0.831 -> 0.822 -> 0.843 -> 0.835 -> 0.838 -> 0.836 -> 0.845 -> 0.841 -> 0.860 -> 0.877 -> 0.874 -> 0.876 -> 0.881 -> 0.883 -> 0.890 -> 0.899 -> 0.898 -> 0.904 -> 0.905 -> 0.887 -> 0.884 -> 0.887

Spielvertiefung: 0.673 -> 0.771 -> 0.775 -> 0.884 -> 0.928 -> 0.911 -> 0.923 -> 0.913 -> 0.906 -> 0.903 -> 0.897 -> 0.911 -> 0.799 -> 0.805 -> 0.812 -> 0.805 -> 0.802 -> 0.794

OK COOL: 0.081 -> 0.112 -> 0.137 -> 0.195 -> 0.229 -> 0.234 -> 0.265 -> 0.287 -> 0.296 -> 0.321 -> 0.341 -> 0.347 -> 0.368 -> 0.393 -> 0.408 -> 0.423 -> 0.501 -> 0.505 -> 0.518 -> 0.543 -> 0.575 -> 0.588 -> 0.592 -> 0.583 -> 0.595 -> 0.622 -> 0.655 -> 0.661 -> 0.673 -> 0.704

Insert Moin: 0.870 -> 0.871 -> 0.921 -> 0.940 -> 0.949 -> 0.963 -> 0.936 -> 0.927 -> 0.935 -> 0.902 -> 0.879 -> 0.867 -> 0.851 -> 0.831 -> 0.842 -> 0.831 -> 0.840 -> 0.808 -> 0.793 -> 0.787 -> 0.775 -> 0.762 -> 0.764 -> 0.743 -> 0.722 -> 0.725 -> 0.707 -> 0.720 -> 0.714 -> 0.717 -> 0.709 -> 0.721 -> 0.709 -> 0.700 -> 0.694 -> 0.695 -> 0.690 -> 0.688 -> 0.714 -> 0.704 -> 0.691 -> 0.695 -> 0.709 -> 0.676 -> 0.682 -> 0.675 -> 0.667 -> 0.668 -> 0.659 -> 0.660 -> 0.652 -> 0.650 -> 0.638 -> 0.625 -> 0.606 -> 0.608 -> 0.598 -> 0.587 -> 0.582 -> 0.584 -> 0.624 -> 0.639 -> 0.651

Game Not Over: 0.023 -> 0.026 -> 0.034 -> 0.042 -> 0.044 -> 0.049 -> 0.051 -> 0.053 -> 0.062 -> 0.066 -> 0.070 -> 0.125 -> 0.215 -> 0.233 -> 0.249 -> 0.262 -> 0.279 -> 0.288 -> 0.299 -> 0.304 -> 0.294 -> 0.294 -> 0.293 -> 0.298 -> 0.299 -> 0.299 -> 0.306 -> 0.314

Kapitel Eins: 0.133 -> 0.184 -> 0.209 -> 0.226 -> 0.245 -> 0.267 -> 0.266 -> 0.269 -> 0.289 -> 0.290 -> 0.287 -> 0.297 -> 0.287 -> 0.287 -> 0.293 -> 0.294 -> 0.296 -> 0.302 -> 0.304 -> 0.304 -> 0.310 -> 0.311 -> 0.306 -> 0.310 -> 0.316 -> 0.319 -> 0.310 -> 0.312

Games Insider: 0.017 -> 0.021 -> 0.031 -> 0.039 -> 0.041 -> 0.046 -> 0.058 -> 0.063 -> 0.069 -> 0.084 -> 0.092 -> 0.095 -> 0.103 -> 0.112 -> 0.120 -> 0.133 -> 0.113 -> 0.105 -> 0.103 -> 0.096 -> 0.093 -> 0.096 -> 0.094 -> 0.091 -> 0.051 -> 0.048 -> 0.044 -> 0.043 -> 0.040
Wolke 7
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 13137
Registriert: So, 7. Apr 2002, 14:34
Wohnort: Ettlingen

Re: Podcasts

Mo, 1. Mai 2023, 10:54

Ganon hat geschrieben:
Da erzählt er von seinem Projekt "OK Cool auf die Hand", ein kleines Printheft über Spieleentwicklung in der Ukraine. Wird es aber vorerst wohl nur für die Backer seines Podcasts geben. Eigentlich schade, ich hätte es gerne direkt gekauft.

dito. Ebenso das Printheft, welches gerade bei Stay Forever erschienen ist, das aber auch nur die höherstufigen Backer bekommen.

Heinrichs Filmpodcast habe ich mir angehört und fand es wie immer, wenn er was macht, sehr nett. Die Folgen 2+3 lasse ich erstmal aus, aber bei bekannten Filmen/Spielen werde ich sicher wieder reinhören.
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 14157
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Re: Podcasts

Mo, 1. Mai 2023, 14:04

Die erste Folge von Pixelkino hat mir auch ganz gut gefallen. Christian Genzel ist offenbar mein Bruder im Geiste, weil er Predator 2 lieber mag als den ersten. :-)
Die Folge zu Super Mario will ich demnächst auch anhören, nachdem ich mir spaßeshalber noch mal den alten Film angesehen habe (war noch bis gestern auf Netflix). Und dann mal sehen.
Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
Wolke 7
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 13137
Registriert: So, 7. Apr 2002, 14:34
Wohnort: Ettlingen

Re: Podcasts

Do, 4. Mai 2023, 08:27

Winnie Forster spricht bei Insert Moin über "50 Jahre Videospielgeschichte in Deutschland": ... utschland/
Wolke 7
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 13137
Registriert: So, 7. Apr 2002, 14:34
Wohnort: Ettlingen

Re: Podcasts

Fr, 19. Mai 2023, 13:55

Das Pixelkino ist jetzt auch bei Steady, Unterstützer erhalten ein Bonusformat. Im Gegensatz zu Happy Computer Hour gibts hier also tatsächlich regelmäßig Folgen. Aktuell über Indy 1, die weiteren Filme und Spiele werden ebenso folgen.
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 14157
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Re: Podcasts

Fr, 19. Mai 2023, 17:06

Ah, ich hatte mich schon gewundert, dass das so ganz ohne Finanzierungsmodell auskommt, da es doch recht professionell produziert ist. Bin selbst noch nicht viel weiter gekommen. Aber die Folgen über Spiele zu Filmen finde ich schon ganz interessant, die zu Spieleverfilmungen bieten mir halt nicht so viel Neues.
Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
Wolke 7
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 13137
Registriert: So, 7. Apr 2002, 14:34
Wohnort: Ettlingen

Re: Podcasts

Do, 1. Jun 2023, 08:58

The Pod: 4.318 -> 4.442 -> 4.579 -> 4.660 -> 4.752 -> 4.807 -> 5.005 -> 5.041 -> 5.121 -> 5.148 -> 5.178 -> 5.214 -> 5.255 -> 5.358 -> 5.456 -> 5.468 -> 5.541 -> 5.579 -> 5.582 -> 5.622 -> 5.612 -> 5.622 -> 5.675 -> 5.669 -> 5.682 -> 5.650 -> 5.655 -> 5.601 -> 5.619 -> 5.620 -> 5.608 -> 5.614 -> 5.646 -> 5.715 -> 5.745 -> 5.777 -> 5.769 -> 5.847 -> 5.870 -> 5.904 -> 5.973 -> 5.960 -> 5.946 -> 6.146 -> 6.203 -> 6.186 -> 6.286 -> 6.405 -> 6.443 -> 6.610 -> 6.587 -> 6.555 -> 6.615 -> 6.657 -> 6.677 -> 6.658 -> 6.732 -> 6.730 -> 6.980 -> 7.108 -> 7.213 -> 7.234-> 7.206 -> 7.256

Stay Forever: 1.822 -> 1.821 -> 1.978 -> 2.024 -> 2.082 -> 2.090 -> 2.127 -> 2.122 -> 2.165 -> 2.261 -> 2.291 -> 2.309 -> 2.321 -> 2.378 -> 2.486 -> 2.517 -> 2.570 -> 2.576 -> 2.602 -> 2.622 -> 2.662 -> 2.688 -> 2.697 -> 2.702 -> 2.717 -> 2.828 -> 3.033 -> 3.075 -> 3.082 -> 3.165 -> 3.230 -> 3.255 -> 3.344 -> 3.473 -> 3.564 -> 3.581 -> 3.591 -> 3.679 -> 3.860 -> 3.915 -> 3.934 -> 3.945 -> 4.039 -> 4.177 -> 4.229 -> 4.372 -> 4.429 -> 4.534 -> 4.549 -> 4.592 -> 4.721 -> 4.780 -> 4.817 -> 4.888 -> 4.968 -> 5.094 -> 5.156 -> 5.192 -> 5.324 -> 5.404 -> 5.424 -> 5.521 -> 5.704 -> 5.698

Hooked: 1.186 -> 1.299 -> 1.323 -> 1.307 -> 1.304 -> 1.310 -> 1.305 -> 1.293 -> 1.289 -> 1.250 -> 1.272 -> 1.255 -> 1.235 -> 1.253 -> 1.248 -> 1.235 -> 1.235 -> 1.200 -> 1.173 -> 1.164 -> 1.165 -> 1.180 -> 1.187 -> 1.164 -> 1.150 -> 1.160 -> 1.173 -> 1.154 -> 1.152 -> 1.165 -> 1.169 -> 1.151 -> 1.155 -> 1.143 -> 1.117 -> 1.260 -> 1.211 -> 1.199 -> 1.241 -> 1.216 -> 1.213 -> 1.193 -> 1.196 -> 1.208 -> 1.165 -> 1.145 -> 1.135 -> 1.134 -> 1.154 -> 1.182 -> 1.153 -> 1.172 -> 1.150 -> 1.155 > 1.170 -> 1.188 -> 1.160 -> 1.150 -> 1.203 -> 1.175 -> 1.180 -> 1.166 -> 1.150 -> 1.133

Spieleveteranen: 0.584 -> 0.585 -> 0.583 -> 0.591 -> 0.601 -> 0.614 -> 0.637 -> 0.649 -> 0.654 -> 0.652 -> 0.658 -> 0.651 -> 0.668 -> 0.678 -> 0.699 -> 0.721 -> 0.731 -> 0.736 -> 0.738 -> 0.732 -> 0.745 -> 0.748 -> 0.756 -> 0.767 -> 0.771 -> 0.768 -> 0.764 -> 0.755 -> 0.747 -> 0.762 -> 0.773 -> 0.790 -> 0.795 -> 0.805 -> 0.813 -> 0.816 -> 0.821 -> 0.827 -> 0.822 -> 0.821 -> 0.830 -> 0.831 -> 0.822 -> 0.843 -> 0.835 -> 0.838 -> 0.836 -> 0.845 -> 0.841 -> 0.860 -> 0.877 -> 0.874 -> 0.876 -> 0.881 -> 0.883 -> 0.890 -> 0.899 -> 0.898 -> 0.904 -> 0.905 -> 0.887 -> 0.884 -> 0.887 -> 0.893

Spielvertiefung: 0.673 -> 0.771 -> 0.775 -> 0.884 -> 0.928 -> 0.911 -> 0.923 -> 0.913 -> 0.906 -> 0.903 -> 0.897 -> 0.911 -> 0.799 -> 0.805 -> 0.812 -> 0.805 -> 0.802 -> 0.794 -> 0.807

OK COOL: 0.081 -> 0.112 -> 0.137 -> 0.195 -> 0.229 -> 0.234 -> 0.265 -> 0.287 -> 0.296 -> 0.321 -> 0.341 -> 0.347 -> 0.368 -> 0.393 -> 0.408 -> 0.423 -> 0.501 -> 0.505 -> 0.518 -> 0.543 -> 0.575 -> 0.588 -> 0.592 -> 0.583 -> 0.595 -> 0.622 -> 0.655 -> 0.661 -> 0.673 -> 0.704 -> 0.710

Insert Moin: 0.870 -> 0.871 -> 0.921 -> 0.940 -> 0.949 -> 0.963 -> 0.936 -> 0.927 -> 0.935 -> 0.902 -> 0.879 -> 0.867 -> 0.851 -> 0.831 -> 0.842 -> 0.831 -> 0.840 -> 0.808 -> 0.793 -> 0.787 -> 0.775 -> 0.762 -> 0.764 -> 0.743 -> 0.722 -> 0.725 -> 0.707 -> 0.720 -> 0.714 -> 0.717 -> 0.709 -> 0.721 -> 0.709 -> 0.700 -> 0.694 -> 0.695 -> 0.690 -> 0.688 -> 0.714 -> 0.704 -> 0.691 -> 0.695 -> 0.709 -> 0.676 -> 0.682 -> 0.675 -> 0.667 -> 0.668 -> 0.659 -> 0.660 -> 0.652 -> 0.650 -> 0.638 -> 0.625 -> 0.606 -> 0.608 -> 0.598 -> 0.587 -> 0.582 -> 0.584 -> 0.624 -> 0.639 -> 0.651 -> 0.643

Game Not Over: 0.023 -> 0.026 -> 0.034 -> 0.042 -> 0.044 -> 0.049 -> 0.051 -> 0.053 -> 0.062 -> 0.066 -> 0.070 -> 0.125 -> 0.215 -> 0.233 -> 0.249 -> 0.262 -> 0.279 -> 0.288 -> 0.299 -> 0.304 -> 0.294 -> 0.294 -> 0.293 -> 0.298 -> 0.299 -> 0.299 -> 0.306 -> 0.314 -> 0.317

Kapitel Eins: 0.133 -> 0.184 -> 0.209 -> 0.226 -> 0.245 -> 0.267 -> 0.266 -> 0.269 -> 0.289 -> 0.290 -> 0.287 -> 0.297 -> 0.287 -> 0.287 -> 0.293 -> 0.294 -> 0.296 -> 0.302 -> 0.304 -> 0.304 -> 0.310 -> 0.311 -> 0.306 -> 0.310 -> 0.316 -> 0.319 -> 0.310 -> 0.312 -> 0.316

Games Insider: 0.017 -> 0.021 -> 0.031 -> 0.039 -> 0.041 -> 0.046 -> 0.058 -> 0.063 -> 0.069 -> 0.084 -> 0.092 -> 0.095 -> 0.103 -> 0.112 -> 0.120 -> 0.133 -> 0.113 -> 0.105 -> 0.103 -> 0.096 -> 0.093 -> 0.096 -> 0.094 -> 0.091 -> 0.051 -> 0.048 -> 0.044 -> 0.043 -> 0.040 -> 0.041

Pixelkino: 0.011
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 14157
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Re: Podcasts

Mo, 5. Jun 2023, 18:34

Games Insider macht nur sechs Monate nach der Neuausrichtung schon wieder Pause wegen Zeitmangel der Beteiligten. Ich hab den Eindruck, das entwickelt sich doch eher zu einem unregelmäßigen Hobbyprojekt, entgegen aller guten Absichten der Macher.
Ich hab nach den ersten beiden Folgen im neuen Langformat aber auch nicht mehr weitergehört, muss ich sagen...
Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
Wolke 7
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 13137
Registriert: So, 7. Apr 2002, 14:34
Wohnort: Ettlingen

Re: Podcasts

Sa, 1. Jul 2023, 08:35

The Pod: 4.318 -> 4.442 -> 4.579 -> 4.660 -> 4.752 -> 4.807 -> 5.005 -> 5.041 -> 5.121 -> 5.148 -> 5.178 -> 5.214 -> 5.255 -> 5.358 -> 5.456 -> 5.468 -> 5.541 -> 5.579 -> 5.582 -> 5.622 -> 5.612 -> 5.622 -> 5.675 -> 5.669 -> 5.682 -> 5.650 -> 5.655 -> 5.601 -> 5.619 -> 5.620 -> 5.608 -> 5.614 -> 5.646 -> 5.715 -> 5.745 -> 5.777 -> 5.769 -> 5.847 -> 5.870 -> 5.904 -> 5.973 -> 5.960 -> 5.946 -> 6.146 -> 6.203 -> 6.186 -> 6.286 -> 6.405 -> 6.443 -> 6.610 -> 6.587 -> 6.555 -> 6.615 -> 6.657 -> 6.677 -> 6.658 -> 6.732 -> 6.730 -> 6.980 -> 7.108 -> 7.213 -> 7.234-> 7.206 -> 7.256 -> 7.297

Stay Forever: 1.822 -> 1.821 -> 1.978 -> 2.024 -> 2.082 -> 2.090 -> 2.127 -> 2.122 -> 2.165 -> 2.261 -> 2.291 -> 2.309 -> 2.321 -> 2.378 -> 2.486 -> 2.517 -> 2.570 -> 2.576 -> 2.602 -> 2.622 -> 2.662 -> 2.688 -> 2.697 -> 2.702 -> 2.717 -> 2.828 -> 3.033 -> 3.075 -> 3.082 -> 3.165 -> 3.230 -> 3.255 -> 3.344 -> 3.473 -> 3.564 -> 3.581 -> 3.591 -> 3.679 -> 3.860 -> 3.915 -> 3.934 -> 3.945 -> 4.039 -> 4.177 -> 4.229 -> 4.372 -> 4.429 -> 4.534 -> 4.549 -> 4.592 -> 4.721 -> 4.780 -> 4.817 -> 4.888 -> 4.968 -> 5.094 -> 5.156 -> 5.192 -> 5.324 -> 5.404 -> 5.424 -> 5.521 -> 5.704 -> 5.698 -> 5.703

Hooked: 1.186 -> 1.299 -> 1.323 -> 1.307 -> 1.304 -> 1.310 -> 1.305 -> 1.293 -> 1.289 -> 1.250 -> 1.272 -> 1.255 -> 1.235 -> 1.253 -> 1.248 -> 1.235 -> 1.235 -> 1.200 -> 1.173 -> 1.164 -> 1.165 -> 1.180 -> 1.187 -> 1.164 -> 1.150 -> 1.160 -> 1.173 -> 1.154 -> 1.152 -> 1.165 -> 1.169 -> 1.151 -> 1.155 -> 1.143 -> 1.117 -> 1.260 -> 1.211 -> 1.199 -> 1.241 -> 1.216 -> 1.213 -> 1.193 -> 1.196 -> 1.208 -> 1.165 -> 1.145 -> 1.135 -> 1.134 -> 1.154 -> 1.182 -> 1.153 -> 1.172 -> 1.150 -> 1.155 > 1.170 -> 1.188 -> 1.160 -> 1.150 -> 1.203 -> 1.175 -> 1.180 -> 1.166 -> 1.150 -> 1.133 -> 1.139

Spieleveteranen: 0.584 -> 0.585 -> 0.583 -> 0.591 -> 0.601 -> 0.614 -> 0.637 -> 0.649 -> 0.654 -> 0.652 -> 0.658 -> 0.651 -> 0.668 -> 0.678 -> 0.699 -> 0.721 -> 0.731 -> 0.736 -> 0.738 -> 0.732 -> 0.745 -> 0.748 -> 0.756 -> 0.767 -> 0.771 -> 0.768 -> 0.764 -> 0.755 -> 0.747 -> 0.762 -> 0.773 -> 0.790 -> 0.795 -> 0.805 -> 0.813 -> 0.816 -> 0.821 -> 0.827 -> 0.822 -> 0.821 -> 0.830 -> 0.831 -> 0.822 -> 0.843 -> 0.835 -> 0.838 -> 0.836 -> 0.845 -> 0.841 -> 0.860 -> 0.877 -> 0.874 -> 0.876 -> 0.881 -> 0.883 -> 0.890 -> 0.899 -> 0.898 -> 0.904 -> 0.905 -> 0.887 -> 0.884 -> 0.887 -> 0.893 -> 0.892

Spielvertiefung: 0.673 -> 0.771 -> 0.775 -> 0.884 -> 0.928 -> 0.911 -> 0.923 -> 0.913 -> 0.906 -> 0.903 -> 0.897 -> 0.911 -> 0.799 -> 0.805 -> 0.812 -> 0.805 -> 0.802 -> 0.794 -> 0.807 -> 0.793

OK COOL: 0.081 -> 0.112 -> 0.137 -> 0.195 -> 0.229 -> 0.234 -> 0.265 -> 0.287 -> 0.296 -> 0.321 -> 0.341 -> 0.347 -> 0.368 -> 0.393 -> 0.408 -> 0.423 -> 0.501 -> 0.505 -> 0.518 -> 0.543 -> 0.575 -> 0.588 -> 0.592 -> 0.583 -> 0.595 -> 0.622 -> 0.655 -> 0.661 -> 0.673 -> 0.704 -> 0.710 -> 0.716

Insert Moin: 0.870 -> 0.871 -> 0.921 -> 0.940 -> 0.949 -> 0.963 -> 0.936 -> 0.927 -> 0.935 -> 0.902 -> 0.879 -> 0.867 -> 0.851 -> 0.831 -> 0.842 -> 0.831 -> 0.840 -> 0.808 -> 0.793 -> 0.787 -> 0.775 -> 0.762 -> 0.764 -> 0.743 -> 0.722 -> 0.725 -> 0.707 -> 0.720 -> 0.714 -> 0.717 -> 0.709 -> 0.721 -> 0.709 -> 0.700 -> 0.694 -> 0.695 -> 0.690 -> 0.688 -> 0.714 -> 0.704 -> 0.691 -> 0.695 -> 0.709 -> 0.676 -> 0.682 -> 0.675 -> 0.667 -> 0.668 -> 0.659 -> 0.660 -> 0.652 -> 0.650 -> 0.638 -> 0.625 -> 0.606 -> 0.608 -> 0.598 -> 0.587 -> 0.582 -> 0.584 -> 0.624 -> 0.639 -> 0.651 -> 0.643 -> 0.636

Kapitel Eins: 0.133 -> 0.184 -> 0.209 -> 0.226 -> 0.245 -> 0.267 -> 0.266 -> 0.269 -> 0.289 -> 0.290 -> 0.287 -> 0.297 -> 0.287 -> 0.287 -> 0.293 -> 0.294 -> 0.296 -> 0.302 -> 0.304 -> 0.304 -> 0.310 -> 0.311 -> 0.306 -> 0.310 -> 0.316 -> 0.319 -> 0.310 -> 0.312 -> 0.316 -> 0.317

Game Not Over: 0.023 -> 0.026 -> 0.034 -> 0.042 -> 0.044 -> 0.049 -> 0.051 -> 0.053 -> 0.062 -> 0.066 -> 0.070 -> 0.125 -> 0.215 -> 0.233 -> 0.249 -> 0.262 -> 0.279 -> 0.288 -> 0.299 -> 0.304 -> 0.294 -> 0.294 -> 0.293 -> 0.298 -> 0.299 -> 0.299 -> 0.306 -> 0.314 -> 0.317 -> 0.314

Games Insider: 0.017 -> 0.021 -> 0.031 -> 0.039 -> 0.041 -> 0.046 -> 0.058 -> 0.063 -> 0.069 -> 0.084 -> 0.092 -> 0.095 -> 0.103 -> 0.112 -> 0.120 -> 0.133 -> 0.113 -> 0.105 -> 0.103 -> 0.096 -> 0.093 -> 0.096 -> 0.094 -> 0.091 -> 0.051 -> 0.048 -> 0.044 -> 0.043 -> 0.040 -> 0.041 -> 0.036

Pixelkino: 0.011 -> 0.014

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