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Registriert: So, 7. Apr 2002, 14:34
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Re: Spiele for free...

Mo, 26. Dez 2022, 08:48

Ja, das war ein Fehler seitens Epic. Aber da der store komplett überladen war, konnte man da eh nichts machen. So oder so aber natürlich ein hochkarätiger Titel.
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Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Re: Spiele for free...

Mo, 26. Dez 2022, 15:03

Immerhin gibt es das Upgrade auf den DC für 5,99 €...
Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
Wolke 7
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Registriert: So, 7. Apr 2002, 14:34
Wohnort: Ettlingen

Re: Spiele for free...

Di, 27. Dez 2022, 09:51

Nur, wofür?

Beim Original steht dabei:
Additional PC features include HIGH FRAME RATE, PHOTO MODE and ULTRA-WIDE MONITOR SUPPORT. Also includes cross-over content from Valve Corporation’s HALF-LIFE series.

All copies of the game will also additionally include:
• “Selections From ‘The Art of DEATH STRANDING’” Digital Book (by Titan Books)

Beim DC-DLC dagegen:
DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT on PC includes HIGH FRAME RATE, PHOTO MODE and ULTRA-WIDE MONITOR SUPPORT. Also includes cross-over content from Valve Corporation’s HALF-LIFE series and CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077. Stay connected with players around the globe with the Social Strand System™.

All copies of the game will also additionally include:
• “Selections From ‘The Art of DEATH STRANDING’” Digital Book (by Titan Books)
• Backpack Patches
• Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Gold)
• BB pod customization (Chiral Gold)
• Power Gloves (Gold)
• Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Silver)
• BB pod customization (Omnireflector)
• Power Gloves (Silver)

Also für 6€ bekommt man dann noch irgendeinen CP2077-Inhalt und kosmetischen Kram? Klingt jetzt nicht so interessant.

Erstaunlich übrigens, dass ein Spiel, das so gut aussieht, auf meiner uralten 1060 laut Computerbase bei maximalen Details noch immer 66fps schafft.
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Beiträge: 14229
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Re: Spiele for free...

Sa, 31. Dez 2022, 00:41

Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
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Beiträge: 14229
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Re: Spiele for free...

Sa, 21. Okt 2023, 11:08

Bei Epic ist der Halloween-Sale gestartet und passend dazu gibt es aktuell The Evil Within gratis und ab nächsten Donnerstag Teil 2.
Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
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Registriert: Do, 27. Jun 2002, 16:26

Re: Spiele for free...

Mo, 25. Dez 2023, 19:38

Bei Epic gibt's heute The Outer Space in der Spacer's Choice Edition.
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Beiträge: 14229
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Re: Spiele for free...

Fr, 5. Jan 2024, 09:30

Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
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All Star
Beiträge: 14229
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Re: Spiele for free...

Mo, 20. Mai 2024, 20:22

Dragon Age: Inquisition (GotY Edition) ... ion-2f0cbd
Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
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Beiträge: 14229
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Re: Spiele for free...

Mo, 27. Mai 2024, 12:37

Warhammer 40.000 Gladius: Relics of War
Steam oder Epic
Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
Wolke 7
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All Star
Beiträge: 13194
Registriert: So, 7. Apr 2002, 14:34
Wohnort: Ettlingen

Re: Spiele for free...

Mo, 3. Jun 2024, 21:54

Am Donnerstag wird es bei Epic Marvel's Midnight Suns geben.
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Beiträge: 14229
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Re: Spiele for free...

Mo, 3. Jun 2024, 22:23

Cloud hat geschrieben:
Am Donnerstag wird es bei Epic Marvel's Midnight Suns geben.

Na toll, gerade erst bei Steam gekauft. :roll:
Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
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Beiträge: 3349
Registriert: Do, 27. Jun 2002, 16:26

Re: Spiele for free...

Mi, 5. Jun 2024, 21:26

Du kannst Spiele bei Steam zurückgeben, wenn du sie weniger als 2 Stunden gespielt hast. Bin nur gerade nicht sicher, in welchem Zeitraum das nach dem Kauf möglich ist.
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Beiträge: 14229
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Re: Spiele for free...

Do, 6. Jun 2024, 09:16

Ja gut, "gerade erst" heißt in diesem Fall im April. Ich denke nicht, dass das jetzt noch geht. Und ich habe gleich die Edition mit Season Pass gekauft, die wird es wohl nicht gratis geben. Ist also schon in Ordnung.
Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
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Beiträge: 3349
Registriert: Do, 27. Jun 2002, 16:26

Re: Spiele for free...

Do, 6. Jun 2024, 19:52

Jap, gibt tatsächlich nur die Basisversion bei Epic.
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Beiträge: 3349
Registriert: Do, 27. Jun 2002, 16:26

Re: Spiele for free...

Fr, 9. Aug 2024, 18:36

Auf gibt es gerade Deus Ex: Mankind Divided für GoG kostenlos. Ebenso ein paar von den alten Tomb Raiders für GoG. Und für den Epic Store ist Loop Hero und Trek to Yomi zu finden. Direkt zum Download ist noch die Enhanced Edition von Baldurs Gate bei Prime Gaming.

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