All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 14159
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Mi, 4. Sep 2002, 00:23

Chellie hat geschrieben:
Sicher heißt das file bei im nach dem Download nicht mer zip sondern piz ;)

Nee nee, hat alles geklappt diesmal. Hat piz irgendeine Bedseutung, die ich nicht verstehe, oder war das nur einfach umgedreht?
Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200

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