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All Star
Beiträge: 14161
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Di, 25. Dez 2012, 10:42

Ich dachte mir gleich, dass es mir bekannt vorkommt. Schon gestern, nach dem ersten Bild und dem Hinweise las ich in einem anderen Forum was von dem Spiel im Zusammenhang mit Puzzleteilen, da fiel es mir wie Schuppen von den Augen. Hab dann aber irgendwie doch vergessen, hier zu posten:
Hab davon bis heute selbst nur die Demo gespielt...
Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
Wolke 7
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 13142
Registriert: So, 7. Apr 2002, 14:34
Wohnort: Ettlingen

Di, 25. Dez 2012, 11:42

Natürlich ist es das.
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 14161
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Mi, 26. Dez 2012, 22:59

01. Hattori Hanso 223
02. fflood 206
03. Tezcatlipoca 143
03. Ganon 143
05. Frogo 63
06. Cloud 61
07. Early 53
08. Kylroy 49
09. Alex 40
10. tafkag 29
11. Freakkiller 20
12. Hardbern 15
13. Chellie 13
14. Songwriter 7
15. Ssnake 6
16. Abdiel 5
17. ray 4
18. njstryfe 3
19. Doc SoLo 1
19. Master Blaster 1
19. Tequila 1
snap143.jpg (128.25 KiB) 606 mal betrachtet
Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
Wolke 7
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 13142
Registriert: So, 7. Apr 2002, 14:34
Wohnort: Ettlingen

Do, 27. Dez 2012, 08:12

All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 14161
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Do, 27. Dez 2012, 10:50

Ja klar, ein bisschen offensichtlich. ;-)
Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
Wolke 7
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 13142
Registriert: So, 7. Apr 2002, 14:34
Wohnort: Ettlingen

Do, 27. Dez 2012, 11:33

01. Hattori Hanso 223
02. fflood 206
03. Tezcatlipoca 143
03. Ganon 143
05. Frogo 63
06. Cloud 62
07. Early 53
08. Kylroy 49
09. Alex 40
10. tafkag 29
11. Freakkiller 20
12. Hardbern 15
13. Chellie 13
14. Songwriter 7
15. Ssnake 6
16. Abdiel 5
17. ray 4
18. njstryfe 3
19. Doc SoLo 1
19. Master Blaster 1
19. Tequila 1
1.jpg (28.8 KiB) 606 mal betrachtet
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 14161
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Do, 27. Dez 2012, 11:52

[spoiler]Jagged Alliance?[/spoiler]
Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
Hattori Hanso
180 Grad
$ Dagobert $
$ Dagobert $
Beiträge: 9683
Registriert: Fr, 28. Jun 2002, 07:19
Wohnort: Provinz Tao Shan, zeitweise Stuttgart

Do, 27. Dez 2012, 12:06

Ganon hat geschrieben:
[spoiler]Jagged Alliance?[/spoiler]

ich würd sagen Du kannst gleich weiter machen.
1+1 ist ungefähr 3 ... r-body.png
Wolke 7
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 13142
Registriert: So, 7. Apr 2002, 14:34
Wohnort: Ettlingen

Do, 27. Dez 2012, 12:06

All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 14161
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Fr, 28. Dez 2012, 12:28

Hui, da hab ich doch tatsächlich nochmal einen Platz gutgemacht.

01. Hattori Hanso 223
02. fflood 206
03. Ganon 144
04. Tezcatlipoca 143
05. Frogo 63
06. Cloud 62
07. Early 53
08. Kylroy 49
09. Alex 40
10. tafkag 29
11. Freakkiller 20
12. Hardbern 15
13. Chellie 13
14. Songwriter 7
15. Ssnake 6
16. Abdiel 5
17. ray 4
18. njstryfe 3
19. Doc SoLo 1
19. Master Blaster 1
19. Tequila 1
snap144.jpg (11 KiB) 604 mal betrachtet
Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
Wolke 7
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 13142
Registriert: So, 7. Apr 2002, 14:34
Wohnort: Ettlingen

Fr, 28. Dez 2012, 13:15

Ähm, Ghostbusters? :lol:
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 14161
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Fr, 28. Dez 2012, 13:33

Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
Wolke 7
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 13142
Registriert: So, 7. Apr 2002, 14:34
Wohnort: Ettlingen

Fr, 28. Dez 2012, 13:40

Ich wusste gar nicht, dass es das gibt...

01. Hattori Hanso 223
02. fflood 206
03. Ganon 144
04. Tezcatlipoca 143
05. Cloud 63
05. Frogo 63
07. Early 53
08. Kylroy 49
09. Alex 40
10. tafkag 29
11. Freakkiller 20
12. Hardbern 15
13. Chellie 13
14. Songwriter 7
15. Ssnake 6
16. Abdiel 5
17. ray 4
18. njstryfe 3
19. Doc SoLo 1
19. Master Blaster 1
19. Tequila 1
1.jpg (1.28 KiB) 614 mal betrachtet
All Star
All Star
Beiträge: 14161
Registriert: Mo, 8. Apr 2002, 17:40
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

Fr, 28. Dez 2012, 15:24

Cloud hat geschrieben:
Ich wusste gar nicht, dass es das gibt...

Was, das alte Ghostbusters-Spiel, das auf so ziemlich allen damals aktuellen System erschien? 8O Ich hab das als Kind rauf und runter gespielt. Und bei meiner MobyGames-Recherche bin ich sogar auf ein Fan-Remake für PC gestoßen. Habe ich gestern mal ausprobiert, aber besser bin ich seit damals nicht geworden. :green:
Die "neue" Umsetzung von 2009, aus der mein voriger Ausschnitt stammte, fand ich übrigens auch ziemlich gelungen.
Leland Yee, the Senator that decided that violent videogames were so dangerous to society that he needed to propose a law that banned selling them to minors, was arrested recently for weapons trafficking. He was buying shoulder-mounted rocket launchers from an extremist Islamic group and accidentally sold them to a member of the FBI. I mean, thank God he doesn't play videogames or he might have really become a threat to society.

-- Extra Credits Episode 200
Beiträge: 7757
Registriert: So, 7. Apr 2002, 14:56
Wohnort: Kiel

Fr, 28. Dez 2012, 16:36

Zum neuen Bild: [spoiler]Pole Position?[/spoiler]
<robbe> ichhatteeinenstreitmitmeinerleertasteundjetztredenwirnichtmehrmiteinander (GBO)

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